Monday, December 24, 2007

Krahnicles 2007

Once again, we have managed to have another adventurous year. Between buying a renovation project, starting our oldest in school and youngest in preschool, all while waiting for our adoption to slowly proceed through it’s steps, we’ve quite successfully managed to stay out of trouble. In March of last year we said “goodbye” to our duplex on Metchosin Rd and “hello” to our renovation on Leigh Rd. Yes, you understood correctly. We completed our fix-ups, improvements, and repairs on the last house just in time to sell it and buy an even bigger renovation project. Upon moving in, we promptly tore apart the basement and put in a basement suite with the idea that a rental income will bring in some extra money to fix up the rest of the house. We knew that the house, a 1940’s Cape Cod style, needed a lot of work. We didn’t bargain on quite how much work it would require. So far we have completely redone one bedroom and the bathroom. Both have turned out lovely but it was not lovely getting them that way. To some of you the words “lathe and plaster” will explain it all. Anyway, our tenant was gracious enough to stay with us through the whole process, including the re-plumbing phase in which she had the pleasure of an indoor waterfall. We have learned a lot of lessons about careers we do not want… ever. In the New Year we will tackle the baby room, which brings me to the next part in our story. February 2008 will mark two years in our adoption process from Ethiopia. We are happy to finally have something to report! Early in the New Year we will travel to Addis Ababa to bring home beautiful Marie Krahn. She was born on May 18th 2007 and we hope to celebrate her first birthday here at home. We really appreciate your continued prayers and support for us during this adventure. Ryan began kindergarten this year at École John Stubbs in the French Immersion program and has been enjoying teaching his little brother and his parents French. He continues to amaze us with his endless energy and enthusiasm, not only for school, but also for his other activities. His favourite activities still include playing “super hero” with his brother, throwing rocks in the lake, swimming, and fishing with Dad. We have been impressed with what a great big brother he is and how well he and Paul get along. Paul is our little fireball. Always pushing himself to master new skills, he is anxious always to keep up with Ryan. One day while picking up Ryan from school, Leah caught him on the playground trying to convince kids easily double his size that he was bigger than they were and, in terms of personality, he was right! Paul loves preschool and is developing quite a sense of humour. He loves to tease and be teased. His language skills are in full bloom and we often joke about “Radio Paul being on 24/7”. Leah began a new job this fall at Custom House testing software systems once again and will continue work until the baby Marie arrives home. Prior to that, she was working part time at our church doing office administration work. Leah misses being home with the boys very much but we are blessed to have Auntie Erin, Leah’s new sister-in-law, looking after the boys. Both Ryan and Paul enjoy her very much and look forward to the new adventures she has planned for them. Leah is very much looking forward to being home again with the kids this spring. Jeremy plans to take some time off also this summer and we are hoping to take a trip out to Alberta to visit family and friends and also to learn how to be a family of five. Jeremy is entering his second year at Number 41 Media. He is enjoying the work, but has come to realise that IT may not be the thing he wants to do from now until retirement. We are beginning to explore other avenues including humanitarian work overseas. Our current plan is to spend the next year settling in with our newest addition while continuing to explore our options. In the meantime we are working with the rest of our family on a really awesome project aimed at building a school for aids orphans in Uganda. In the area that my sister lives, there are over 200 of these children. If you would like more information or think that you could help in some way, please let us know. It has indeed been an adventurous year with its challenges and accomplishments. We expect nothing less for 2008!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Hi. My husband and I are also adopting from Ethiopia. Our court date was Dec 24th as well. Hope to hear soon how the court hearings went.
