Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Bill C-14

Bill C-14 came into effect late this Dec. Basically, the idea is to treat children adopted to Canadian parents the same as Canadian children born overseas. In other words, instead of going through the immigration process, these children would be eligible for Canadian citizenship right away. This sounds great in theory, but I was concerned because we are already half way through the old process and did not want to have to file a whole new set of paperwork. I called CAFAC today to try to get some clarification on what the process will be... it turns out that applying for Canadian citizenship in a foreign jurisdiction is an onerous process. With the current process we expect to travel 4-6 months after acceptance of our child proposal, if we used the new system it could take a year! I'll stick with the old system thanks. It means that we will have to apply for citizenship here in Canada, but while we wait, our daughter is here with us. Marie will travel to Canada on an Ethiopian passport and we will be required to get a German visa on the way. These are hassles, but nothing compared to having to wait another 6 months or more. Yup... the old system works for me. Even for new families, not already in the immigration queue, CAFAC is advising that they use the old system. The only value that I can see in Bill C-14 is for ex pats. It means that they will not have to come to Canada and wait here for citizenship for their adopted children. I am just greatful we are not being forced into the new system. BTW. Still no news regarding the court date, as CAFAC was unable to get a line through to the Ethiopian office. We are hoping to hear tomorrow :-( Happy New Year.


Rempel Family said...

Hi Guys!
I agree that this is not that great. Several people have come up to us quite excited to tell us this but they don't understand the whole picture. Take Care. I'm waiting to hear of your court date. Lisa

shaunak said...

Waiting with you for news on the Christmas Eve court date! It was also our first court date and we are anxious for news. I was planning to call CAFAC after I read through my blog list - but now I don't have to! You've also answered my immigration question! Thanks.
Hoping your court date was successful...
