Sunday, July 08, 2007

Why Does It Cost So Much?

By the time everything is said and done we will have spent a small fortune (to us) on our adoption. We have had many people ask us why it costs so much so here it is: A breakdown of expenses:

$350-- Choices Registration Fee

$3210-- Home Study. This is money paid to a social worker to evaluate the appropriateness of our home and family. $250-- Home Study Update. We had to complete this because we have moved and because there has been no action on our file for a year. $1200-- Choices Planning and Pre-Placement Fee. $2775-- Choices Placement and Post Placement Fee. $375 -- CAFAC enrollment fee

$1765-- CAFAC Prep/Administrative Fee (preparation of documents for the granting of adoption order in Ethiopia)

$1284-- Child Referral Administration Fee (preparation of child referral, arranging translation of child information, commuications with provincial and CDN immigration authorities for processing child acceptance, final adoption order, first post placement report etc)

$267.50-- Educational Component (workbook that we were required to read, fill out and send back to CAFAC)

$5500 (USD)-- Country Fee (foreign courier fees, embassy authenticatins, foreign phone share, country maintenance fee, travel assistant fee, orphanage donation, adoption specific fee, representative fees, immigration medical and lab tests, child referral fee, airport taxes)

$150 Canadian Immigration Fees

$200-- Entry Visas

$6000- $8000-- Airfare for two adults return, plus one infant one way.

$1000 -- Accomodation for 10 days in Ethiopia

$400-- Immunizations

$100-- cost of wiring money to Ethiopia

All of this adds up to just under $27 000. Not to mention any money we will spend beyond the bare necesities while in Ethiopia. You will note that we cannot afford to take the boys. However, we feel that it is really important that both Jeremy and I be in Ethiopia to take custody of the baby, as it is an experience we will have a chance at just once in our lifetime.

All of the fees and expenses represent real costs. No one makes money on adoption... it is illegal to do so. This is just what it costs. Is it worth it? Absolutely. It is just a simple matter of priorities.

People tell us all the time that they could "Never" afford international adoption but think nothing of financing a 20 -30 thousand dollar car, or spending $5 on a cup of coffee day in and day out and dining out regularily, or sending their children to private school, or taking their kids on expensive trips. There is nothing wrong with any of these things, I am not suggesting there is, but we all have to make choices.

When you put things in perspective, it really doesn't cost that much. How much would you be willing to pay if one of your children was halfway across the world, badly needing your love and attention? Our lives will be forever enriched by the love and affection we will be able to pour into all three of our children. You can't put a price on that.


Steven said...

I commend you for sticking out with the adoption process for so long. I know how long Canadian adoptions can take, and I can imagine that overseas increases the wait exponentially.
God bless your family.

Anonymous said...

We think that what you have done is amazing and lets us know that there are some amazing people out there! :-)