Thursday, January 21, 2010

Marie and Marie

Last spring we travelled to Calgary because we knew that my Oma was dying. I wanted to see her one more time and wanted the kids to see her one more time. Marie is named after Oma and Oma cared very much for Marie. I didn't realise how special it was to her that Marie was named after her until after the fact. Oma told me, that she was sad to not be able to see her grow up.
I was so glad that the kids each got to sit on her knee and say goodbye. The boys understood. They hugged her and kissed her and when I told Ryan it was time to say goodbye, he said "It's not goodbye mommy... we'll see eachother in heaven"... So they said their see-you-latters. It was a special easter. Today on face book I came across these pictures that my aunt had taken. I miss Oma, but at least I have little Marie to hold onto.

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