Friday, March 28, 2008

March 10th

March tenth we met the other families and figured out the rest of the schedule for the trips. Up till now we have pretty much had a driver all to ourselves. Now we will have to schedule our outings around the other families. Today, everyone else went to meet their children. We anticipated that they would be home around noon, but the whole afternoon went by before they were back. We had to keep ourselves busy at the guest house and surrounding area. By mid afternoon we were pretty bored. In the evening, we went to celebrate out at the crown hotel. There was traditional dancing from different areas of Ethiopia. I wish I had some pictures of it, but I didn't pack our stuff and so we ended up with neither video camera nor still camera along with us. Marie did amazing. She slept through dinner, then happily sat on my lap and watched till around 10 pm when we left. I would have liked to stay and see the rest but everyone else was still really really jet lagged and wanted to get some rest before they took custody of the kids.

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