Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Baby Carrier Trial

This evening the boys wanted to go for a walk around the lake. We had accidentally left the double stroller out in the rain and so we only had the umbrella stroller and the new baby carrier. Ryan rode in the umbrella stroller and I carried Paul in the baby carrier. It was great... gave me a real chance to try it out. It worked really well and he liked being in it. I wouldn't want to carry him in it too much further than the 5 km around the lake though. He is getting too heavy at 32 lbs to be lugged around. About ten minutes into the walk I commented to Jeremy that this was "real" excercise. Paul piped up "yeah I'm getting good exercise too!" Ha ha ha. I wish we had bought something like this when the boys were little(r). It is way more comfortable than anything we had for them. Obviously it was comfortable for Paul as well because half way around the lake he completely conked out. I am anticipating carrying Marie in it in the front ways position instead of on my back, but we will see how she likes it. The best part is that it is nice and compact. It fits easily in the luggage :-).

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