Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Many people who love us and care about us, have been asking about updates. This is the information we have: We will recieve updates about our file every 1-2 weeks. CAFAC will let us know when we reach a major milestone in the process, but for the nitty gritty details, we just have to trust that they are doing their job and that things are being processed as quickly as possible. In terms of updates on how our daughter is doing, we may recieve one (possibly two) updates during our wait. These will typically come at three month intervals. Some of you have asked me for pictures etc or why I have not posted pictures on the blog or somewhere else. We will not be doing this both out of respect for our daughters privacy and out of respect for the Ethiopian authorities that ask that this not happen. Please keep in mind that officially, she is not yet a part of our family. Today, we got an update from CAFAC that basically said that documents are being put together to begin the process. Essentially, stuff is happening but no milestones (such as a court date) have been reached... and so we wait. Since I have started work life for us has become insanely busy. The boys are handling the transition quite well... probably better than we are. Jeremy and I feel like we work 7 days a week between actual paid work, our Uganda project, renovations and parenting. Already we are dying for reprieve. We struggle through and are barely holding it together knowing that it is only for a designated amount of time. I miss my family though. I miss my sons and I miss my husband and I miss my friends. Stuff falls through the cracks, stuff that never used to and it bugs me. I get dizzy just watching us. Sigh. I try to spend time every day looking at our baby's picture to remind myself why we are doing what we are doing.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey...it's your fabulous tenant here *grin* I pretty much have no life in the evenings (do you hear the violins playing?), so if you want to just leave and go out for awhile *together*, come down and let me know - I can always move my sitting/staring at the wall upstairs and keep an eye on the boys. PS. I have something for you, and I keep not seeing you when I have it/not having it when I do see you.