Friday, May 30, 2008

Marie's first birthday

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who was able to make it out for Marie's party on the long weekend! We really appreciated your company while we celebrated this milestone. How many milestones can you pack into two months?

Here are a few:

Solid food:

learning to crawl:

learning to stand:

learning to love the bath:

Learning to walk holding my hands and "table walk":

She has even mastered going up the stairs much to my dismay and her delight. It feels like almost over night Marie has turned into a little adventurer. In one very long day (for me), she tipped over 2 glasses of juice (left on the table by the boys), and one cup of (thankfully cold) coffee. She also discovered the joys of swishing your hands in the toilet (YUCK) and got her fingers stuck in a drawer. I was glad when she was safely asleep. Since then, I have gotten used to having a little mischief making toddler around again and it is delightful watching her grow accustomed to her new role in our family and her surroundings. She now expresses excitement and delight as well as being able to (loudly) assert herself when things are not quite to her liking.
Here are some of the pictures from her party. We filled the trampoline full of balloons for the bigger kids and the baby pool full of balls for the smaller ones. She had a ball... but thought very little of the cake


shaunak said...

Terry (Bryn's friend) was over yesterday and saying how cute Marie is. If you ever get over to Salt Spring, please let me know. It would be great to get the kids together. Our youngest son is the same age as Marie, and they were room mates for months...

Happy Birthday Marie!!

S said...

Aaawww, Hippo Birdies, Marie!

I'm glad the bath water isn't evil anymore =D

When I was 3, I slid down stairs backwards on my tummy because walking down normally was too scary. It freaked out everyone else, but it was actually safer for me that way =)