Thursday, April 10, 2008

Since we've been home

I don't seem to be able to get around to blogging lately... something about chasing after 3 kids...
I did want to do an update on Marie though. She is doing fantastic. She has made a nearly seemless adjustment to life here in Canada with us. It took us a little while to get her used to being immersed in water for bath time and a few days to adjust to PST time. Other than that though, she has been doing awesome. We are so proud of her. She cries very rarely and is mostly found giggling and cooing to her brothers. In the month since we took custody of her she has learned to eat solid food (voraciously), and has learned to crawl. She also says DA DA DA and MUM MUM MUM. She knows who we are and she prefers us to all others (me especially). She recognizes her brothers and misses them when they are gone. She waves when someone waves at her and has learned to clap her hands. Her health is good, today we had her hearing checked and it is perfect. If she is crying, she is calmed almost immediately by being picked up. She still gets up once a night which we are not fond of, but hey, no one is perfect (she is close though!). In the last week she has began to express her preferences a little more vocally which we are glad to see as it means she is getting more and more comfortable. Things have been going so well that I have actually even left her for a couple of hours with my mom and my sister, which is something I didn't think I would be doing for months. She got a little clingy the week after Jeremy went back to work, but that seems to have passed and I think we have a general routine that is working for us.
It seems though, that I can't leave well enough alone and we have embarked on another reno project... We are finishing the entry way. I also got 12 yards of dirt delivered to the back yard to spread out and begin a veggie garden. Jeremy just shakes his head. I am glad he puts up with me :-)


Anonymous said...

Aaaww... Marie is so adorable and it's great to hear that she's doing so well =)

Work has been a gong show, but it's not our fault. And that would be why it's so hilarious.

The HAP donation was another giggler. =)

Ask me about it if you want. =D

-- S.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I just read through the last couple months of your blog and I have to say that I am incredibly happy for your family and pretty much in awe at your whole experience so far!
Marie is absolutely beautiful!