Thursday, February 21, 2008

Days left before we go. I have caught a nasty cold. I suppose that its better now then closer to travel. Last night I did nothing to prepare for the trip. I got home, ate supper (thanks mom!) and played with the boys a bit before putting them to bed. Then I crawled into bed myself. 8:00 and I was out. You'd think I'd be well rested and alert this a.m. but no such luck. Paul AND Ryan crawled into bed with me part way through the night. Paul wanted to snuggle with me but kept kicking off all the blankets. Everytime I moved over, he snuggled in right against me until I was clinging to the edge of the bed. I spent half the night wondering how I was going to deal with THREE kids in the bed with me. Either we buy a king size bed or figure out a different arrangement. At home, Jeremy and I frequently end up sleeping in the boy's beds after they crawl into ours. Its like musical chairs but a lot less fun... and frequently I am the one who ends up without the chair! Paul informed me the other day when we were setting up the crib for Marie, that when she was scared, she could come and sleep in his bed. I asked him where he was going to sleep if Marie slept in his bed... He quite calmly informed me that he would sleep in his BIG bed (meaning mine!). I told him that he needs to sleep in his own bed, to which he replied "I will when I'm five"... it could be a very long two years.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Girl, go out and get Cold Fx!!! Right now!! I was sick with a cold before my trip as well..but felt better by the time I left thanks to that and Emergen-C (Vitamin C powder you add to water to make a flavoured little drink the herbal section at Super Store). Try it!!! Yay only 10 more exciting!!!