Monday, February 18, 2008

Count Down

13 days until we leave! 10 more days of work!. I seem to be into count downs and lists lately. To be fair, I have always been a list maker. Lately though I feel like I need lists to keep track of my lists. Jeremy is gone for the next week (doing training seminars in the interior) so I am on my own with the boys. I have an enormous amount to accomplish before the trip, so every night I am trying to put them to bed a little earlier, but I am finding that difficult also, because I miss them and I want to spend time with them. The stress is beginning to trickle down to them and is affecting their behaivor. Kids are amazing. They sense the upcoming change in their lives and are responding to it in the best way that they know how. This translates into them arguing more (normally they are best buddies and play really well together) and being more clingy which is difficult, especially with daddy away. I wonder if we are doing the right thing leaving them behind... I haven't even begun packing yet... Yup. Stress at its best. I have not begun to get really excited yet because I am simply overwhelmed by the amount of work left. We are almost finished the baby room. I just have a couple more things to do (paint the bench we built, sew curtains and recover the rocking chair) See there I go with the lists again.

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