Thursday, February 21, 2008

1 Week

Ok. Enough whining and moaning about packing. I think we have it done... or almost done. There are still odds and sods floating about and the house looks like it threw up on itself but by and large the stuff is in the bags. We have some amazing friends. My women's bible study group (which I haven't attended in over a year because of work conflicts) made some beautiful blankets and did an awesome job collecting. I also received a couple of monetary donations that I used to buy some clothes for older kids (yeah for the clearance rack at super store). I have a full bag of stuff to give away which is awesome because I did not want to go empty handed. I will publish the pics of the donations tonight when I get home. My mom is one of my heros. If I turn out even a little bit like she is, I'll be doing good. She took a pile of scrap fabric that we had and turned out an enormous number of clothes. They were really cute. Way way better than anything you can buy in the store.

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