Friday, January 04, 2008

Court Date Rescheduled

Our court date was rescheduled. It will now take place on the tenth of January. Needless to say we are disappointed. No reason was given for the rescheduling. This pushes the first possible travel date out of February and into March. If a decision is handed down on the tenth, the earliest possible travel date is March 6th. More likely, it will be later. We are also very concerned about the situation in Kenya. As the civil unrest continues and essential services are shut down there is a distinct possibility that things at the embassy will slow down or even shut down completely. If this is the case, we are not sure what will happen with our immigration process, but it can only mean further delay. Please pray for the situation in Kenya, not just because it has an effect on our adoption, but also because of the millions of people there that deserve better. Pray that civil war will be avoided and peace can be re-stored.

1 comment:

shaunak said...

I'm sorry about your court date. I'll be thinking of you on the tenth. We are still waiting for our medical forms to arrive...
If you would like to get in touch (I assume we will be in Ethiopia at the same time) my e-mail address is