Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A shot in the arm, and one in the pocketbook

Last night Jeremy and I got the first installment of our shots. We have two more trips to make to the travel clinic before we are through. Last night we had three shots each. Next time, we will get two and the last trip will just be for dukoral... thankfully a drink not a shot. We still have to decide if we are going to travel outside of Addis, if we do, we need to take malarial prevention [sigh]. All in all these immunizations cost a whopping $1000. Yikes. We are still hoping our extended medical will cover most of it. The bathroom reno is slowly crawling forward. Toilet and bath are both functional. The drywall is partially up. We are hoping to have tile on the shower over the long weekend! Yeah for showers! Then we just have to frame in the closet, finish the drywall, mud the drywall, prime and paint, install the sink, tile the floor, put the door back up, and put up and paint the trim. Unfortunately, the only time we have to work on it is between the kids going to bed and our tenant going to bed (The bathroom is located right over her bedroom so we are trying to be respectful and not work too early or too late). Speaking of work, it looks like I am going to be looking for a job. With the bathroom reno costs and the unexpected sewer problems we had earlier this year, coupled with the remaining adoption costs, we are unable to keep ahead of the game on one income. So, Ryan is going to school, Paul is going to preschool and Mommy is heading back to work. I have just begun the process of looking but I'll keep you updated. It's heart breaking for me, to think about leaving the boys all day, but I am trying to keep a positive attitude about it. Not very many people are as lucky as I am to be able to be home with the children as long as I have. It's also not forever. Short term pain for long term gain right? Hopefully when the adoption is complete, both Jeremy and I will be able to take some parental leave, and we will all be able to be together while we learn how to be a family of 5 together.

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