Saturday, April 29, 2006

Where we are so far...

Jeremy and I set out to begin the adoption process in February of this year. We have just completed the "home study" phase. Which means that we have essentially been checked out by a social worker and have been given the stamp of approval (wheh, good thing sinse we are already parents :)). The homestudy consists of a series of meetings with a provincially approved social worker who comes, checks out your home and basically asks you a series of semi invasive questions to determine if you are a good candidate to be an adoptive parent. For us, it actually didn't go that badly. It was surprisingly straight forward. CAFAC (the adoption agency in Manitoba), requires that we complete an adoption education component. They sent us a 3 inch binder full of reading and homework. Between all the regular stuff we do (kids, work etc), this basically took 2 intensive weeks to finish. The next step is dossier preparation. This is basically a paper chase. We have to gather a whole bunch of documents together (birth certificates, criminal record checks, pictures etc) that have to be packaged together and sent off to Ethiopia. I have most of what we need but we are waiting on Alberta to send us birth certificates. That basically sums up how far we have come so far. If it sounds like a lot of work that's because it is! In the end though it will be worth it. As far as finances are concerned, we are trying to pick up little extra jobs as much and are trying to save as much as we can. For instance this week, we have been filling in at our church while our janitor is on holidays. We are also starting to consider different fundraising ideas... so if you have any let me know!

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