Thursday, February 21, 2008

5 days

Five days left! I finally got the clothes in the drawers for Marie last night. Jeremy also wired the light in. I have a couple more things to do and then we should be done the room. I keep saying this, but truly it might be actually getting there! Ryan and Paul are starting to get nervous about us going. And I am starting to get nervous about leaving them. I have never left them for this long ever. Even though it is really really super early in the morning, I think I will let them come to the airport with us. I think it will help them to say goodbye to us there, rather than saying goodnight/goodbye and waking up and just finding us not there. We have been talking with them quite a bit about what it will be like for them both when we are gone and when we first come back. I am worried about when we come home, because they will be on a different time zone than us and my parents/sister will be exhausted from looking after two energetic boys for 17 days. I suppose we will have to take sleeping shifts. Meals will be another challenge. I imagine we will all be hungry at different times. If I had had more time, I would have prepared some meals ahead of time for after but I just ran out of time (besides, as most of you know I view cooking as one of those necesary evils; one to be postponed until the last possible second).


Louise said...

I prepared meals ahead..but quickly (very quickly) got tired of rice casseroles and macaroni. I think you will just have to accept that when you are first home there will be a lot of take out :) Swiss Chalet became a good friend of cannot order pizza every night hahaha.

We stayed one night in Toronto before coming home...I found that helped a lot!! We were not sooo exhausted when we arrived home..and I know that I nor Nathaniel ever struggled with jet leg...he and I slept normally (canadian time) from the time we landed in Canada??? don't know how we were so lucky!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! It gives us "waiters" hope that this journey will eventually lead to Ethiopia!!!